This project was inspired by the HBO sitcom Silicon Valley where a character created an app that identified if a photo of food was either a hot dog, or...not a hot dog. Read the backstory from Engadget here (there is strong language if you watch the YouTube video). I used the Clarifai Predict API with their food recognition model to create a basic identifier for hot dogs. A user is able to register, sign in, and submit an image URL to determine if there were hot dogs in the photo. The app will also log the number of entries you've submitted, and how many of them were actually hot dogs.
Technologies used: JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express, bcrypt.js, Knex.js, PostgreSQL, Clarifai API.
Click below to test it out! The back end is hosted for free on Heroku, so please give it a minute in case the app is sleeping. The passwords are encrypted with bcrypt, but please don't use a real email/password combination.
You may use the following login to test: demo@demo/demo
- Not Hot Dog
- Client GitHub repo
- Back end GitHub repo